A graphic image with different icons representing activities enjoyed during the Family Weekend.


Family Weekend will be held October 18 - 20, 2024


Parent and Family Programs collaborates with numerous campus partners and local vendors every fall to welcome our families back to campus for a special weekend. Activities include an Institute Update, stimulating presentations by faculty and staff, College and School receptions, Family Fun Night, Family Weekend Tailgate, Georgia Tech football, Jazz Brunch with AVP of Student Engagement and Well-Being and Dean of Students, John Stein, and more! 

Family Weekend at Georgia Tech is a special time to connect with your student, learn more about campus life, and create special memories!

Father, mother, Buzz, daughter and son.

Local hotels will offer discounted room rates for Family Weekend guests, and we'll share information about parking and transportation options.

Enjoy pictures from past Family Weekends.

Ramblin' Wreck entering the football field with cheerleaders.

To see what Family Weekend has offered in the past, view the 2023 schedule.

If you have any questions please contact us.